Common Kitchen Design Mistakes

You’ve all spent time looking for inspiration for kitchens. You’ve flipped through magazine pages and browsed countless websites to find the perfect pieces to make your dream kitchen come alive. So you head on out to the nearest showroom to see if they have something similar. But for some reason, everything you picked out doesn’t seem to go together.

All of these things are great ways of getting inspiration for your own space, but there’s one thing they don’t do: they don’t help you see if all those beautiful designs will work together in real life!

It’s hard to tell if your “dream” kitchen will actually match up with reality. At KIND Kitchens, we have some industry tips and tricks to make sure that everything is cohesive—from kitchen pieces to placement.

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Common Kitchen Design

3 Factors to Consider When Designing Your Kitchen

When you’re designing your kitchen, you want it to be perfect. You want it to reflect your personality and the way you live. And you’re probably thinking about all the ways to make that happen. But before you get too carried away with your ideas, there are a few things you should know about kitchen design mistakes so that you don’t end up with something that doesn’t work for you or your family.


Too much of anything can be overwhelming, and you risk making your kitchen look like a mishmash of things. Stick to a maximum of three mixtures of colours and textures. If you already used wood grains, avoid another grain that conflicts with the colour. And by sticking to a minimal selection, you avoid colour clashing with other factors in your kitchen (e.g. kitchen wall paint, sunlight in the room, and plumbing fittings). In short, less is more!
You’ve already come across the design industry buzzwords: minimalist, modern, squared, slim, and sleek. While these latest trends can be tempting, they will not last forever. And when the hype dies down, you’ll be compelled to follow another trend. Instead, focus on creating a kitchen that complements the overall style of your home (like the door and window frames) and furniture. If you have a Victorian home, a minimalist kitchen may look out of place as these two are on a whole different spectrum of design concepts.


Don’t start designing with the form first before the functionality. It will disrupt your workflow as you need to adjust it depending on the layout you want (e.g., Galley, Island, L-shape, etc.). You want to make sure that the kitchen is set up in a way that enables people to move around easily. You should also consider if you have many people using the kitchen at the same.

The old-age “kitchen triangle” is still the gold standard for kitchen design. After all, it’s very convenient that your fridge, stove, and sink are all within easy reach of each other yet placed at a proper distance for some storage space. But there are nuance design principles that can elevate this, as cramming everything is not the best way to do it.

At KIND Kitchens, we consider all elements required to complete your kitchen task and build the ideal design. This includes washing your produce, prepping it, cooking, and reaching for all the utensils. We will also take into account your personal preference and habits.


By having a variety of storage options depending on your requirements and preferences. You can easily find a place for everything in your kitchen. For example, you could have some items in cabinets while others are in the drawers. And with enough storage variety, you don’t waste time digging through piles of stuff or getting up and down from the countertop.
unless you have a lot of space for storage or prefer a minimalist lifestyle. Too much organising hardware may limit your storage since the primary purpose of this hardware is for better access, not storage. The tip is to have some cabinetry fitted for better access, especially your daily required items, such as a spice rack. In other areas, being able to “stack” a little isn’t always bad.

Be Mentally prepared! Or you can Design Your Kitchen With Us - KIND Kitchens.

Whether you’re redesigning the kitchen in your home or creating a brand new kitchen from scratch, there are several common mistakes you’ll want to avoid at all costs. Maintaining your sanity is one of the most important things about designing your kitchen. After all, no one wants a kitchen that’s an absolute nightmare to use and maintain.

There may be design theories that you may want to incorporate because it’s the reasonable order. But it could have a negative impact on the overall look of your kitchen. It’s best to consult industry professionals like the team at KIND Kitchens, who can work with you in terms of design form, functionality, and, of course, budget.

At KIND Kitchens, we focus on accuracy and detail to understand each client’s vision for their new kitchen and then work diligently to bring that vision to life. We also offer flexible and future-ready kitchen designs that can easily adapt to your changing needs. So if you’re looking for the best kitchen designs in town, be sure to give us a call at KIND Kitchens or visit our showrooms in Bentleigh, Blackburn, Chadstone, and Hawthorn today. We’ll be glad to discuss your project and help you get started as soon as possible on creating the perfect kitchen for your home.

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