Kitchen Renovation: Essential Steps and Tips

Australians have experienced a surge in home renovation spending during the pandemic years, with a national bill exceeding $12 billion. This reflects the increased interest in Australian families’ desire to improve their lifestyle and house value through renovation. The trend would likely continue as the cost of new builds has skyrocketed while the risk of new home builders falling over has increased. As a result, kitchen renovation will remain the most common home improvement project. The types of kitchen renovation include full-scale renovation, modernising/resurfacing existing cabinetry and appliance upgrades.

Renovating your kitchen is a significant investment, whether you’re considering a complete overhaul or more minor upgrades. The process can take anywhere from a few days to months, depending on the scale of the project. To ensure a successful kitchen renovation, it is important to consider several critical factors before starting. This guide will outline these essential factors and provide valuable tips for each section.

Explore Variety of Kitchen Design Ideas

Gather Inspiration for Your Kitchen Design

Before diving into your kitchen renovation, it’s essential to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. You’ll need to consider your current pain points and prioritise them seriously. For example, do I need more storage or bench space? Do I need more efficient and accessible storage? Do I need a freshenup because I’ve had enough of the colour?

Get some good ideas of the style and colour combination you like. Reading on the internet is always a good source of information, but please remember that what works for others may or may not work for you.


Visit our kitchen showrooms to gather design inspiration and in-person knowledge on what will work in your space. These showrooms are meticulously curated spaces to explore various kitchen designs, layouts, and features. Furthermore, our KIND designers will run you through a comprehensive process to understand the essential requirements for the renovation.

Define Your Budget

Before any renovation, you should set a realistic budget that you are comfortable with. Take a close look at your financial situation and set a portion you’ll allocate to the project without straining your lifestyle. If you’re done planning the funding and its source, identify your renovation priorities:

  1. What aspects of your kitchen are most important to you?
  2. Are there areas where you are willing to compromise or prioritise cost savings to stay within your budget?
  3. Is adding safety improvements, such as childproofing or fire safety, a priority to you?
  4. Are you willing to allocate more budget to specific items, such as high-end appliances, custom cabinetry, or premium countertops?


Our KIND designers would be able to provide you with a rough estimate of the budget you require for the scale of your work on your first visit. However, obtaining a detailed and accurate quotation is crucial before your project commences. Some companies are very vague with figures and descriptions, which could cause issues during project execution. Most importantly, you’ll need to know what you are paying for. Another tip is that Including a contingency fund in your budget is wise, as most people turn to make a few changes and add-ons after the project starts.

Lead form Renovation

Compile a List of Appliances, Fixtures, and Fittings

The appliances you choose will determine the number of cabinets required. Make a list of your preferred appliances, fixtures, and fittings, as this will guide the kitchen design and help determine the overall cost. Consulting with designers before purchasing appliances can prevent compatibility issues with your cabinetry and design.

Designers will also focus on the functional integration of these elements. They ensure that appliances are strategically placed for ease of use and convenience. For example, they can advise on the optimal placement of ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers to streamline your workflow


Consider the practical functions of appliances and don’t over-focus on brands.

Consider Flooring Carefully

The type of flooring you choose can impact the cabinetry installation process significantly. Incorrect sequencing can result in cabinetry that doesn’t align correctly. Thus, it can compromise the overall quality of your kitchen.

  • Solid Timber Flooring: It’s generally recommended to install solid timber floors before cabinetry installation but without the final polish. This precaution is taken because other trades involved in the renovation process may inadvertently scratch the floors, even when precautions are in place to protect them.
  • Tiles and Vinyl Flooring: Tiles and vinyl flooring offer more flexibility in terms of installation timing. You can opt to install them either before or after cabinetry installation. However, there’s a notable exception: if you plan to have waterfall bench features, it’s advisable to have the flooring installed before cabinetry. This approach helps avoid delays in measuring and fitting the benchtop.
  • Floating Floorboards: Floating floorboards are a different story. They often require a 5-8mm gap between the cabinetry and the panelling due to their tendency to expand and contract with temperature and humidity changes. As a result, floating floorboards are often installed last in the renovation process. Be aware that this may necessitate the use of unsightly beading to cover the gaps.


Your flooring choice should align with the overall design of your kitchen. Consider colours and patterns that complement the rest of the kitchen’s elements. We can show you catalogues with different colour combinations when you visit us.

Address Plumbing and Electrical Needs

Planning plumbing and electrical work is essential in the early stages of your kitchen renovation. This is when cabinets are not yet attached, and the inner walls are exposed. Including this phase in your planning stage makes it more cost-effective to run cables and piping inside the joinery before installation. This process requires careful planning and professional expertise.


Consider future needs when addressing plumbing and electrical work. Leave room for potential upgrades or additional appliances, even if you don’t plan to install them immediately.

Create a Realistic Timeline

Rushed renovations can lead to safety issues, stress, and non-compliance with building codes. A realistic timeline allows for proper safety measures to be implemented and ensures that all work is done in accordance with regulations. Factors affecting the timeline include the project’s size, scope of work, complexity, and the number of contractors involved.


While it’s essential to have a detailed timeline, be prepared to be flexible and adaptable. Renovations often involve unexpected challenges, and being able to adjust the schedule as needed can help mitigate delays. Also, Our KIND designers will be able to provide you with an estimated schedule and timing on how long your project will take.

Consult with Professionals

A successful kitchen renovation often requires expertise in various areas. They could save you time and money, provide practical tips and help manage the project to ensure a smooth process.

Experts can recommend the best materials and finishes for your kitchen, considering factors like durability, maintenance, and aesthetic appeal. They can also guide you in choosing countertops, cabinetry, flooring, and fixtures that suit your lifestyle. Furthermore, they would be able to provide you with precise costs and a practical schedule for the project. What’s most important is they understand the rules & regulations, can co-ordinate trades, provide directions and monitor the quality of the work that has been done.


Talk to one of our in-house design experts for a FREE consultation. They can provide insights, recommendations, and creative ideas you might not have considered otherwise. Please consider your time and experience regarding renovation projects before deciding to do everything yourself. Remember, a good renovation is costly, but wait until you do a bad one.

Book a Consultation With KIND Kitchens Today!

With decades of industry experience, KIND Kitchens is committed to completing your kitchen renovation on time and within budget. We achieve this by still maintaining exceptional quality and workmanship. For more information about any of our kitchen renovation services, feel free to call us on 03 9569 0411 or email us at You may also visit our showrooms at Bentleigh, Blackburn, Chadstone, and Hawthorn.

Future thinking and flexible design.

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